divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2015


Usserød Skole (Hørsholm)

Last October, seven students from our school were part of the first mobility of the Erasmus + project "No Problems, Just Solutions". They were Miquel Ferrer, Maria Morey, Llucia Ginard, Maria Gili, Marina Serra, Sebastià Matamalas and Bàrbara Mascaró. In Denmark, they spent a week with a Danish family and they could live and experience what if feels like to be a student at Usserød Skole. Their host students were: 

Once there, the students took part in many activities organized by Usserød Skole. Since it was the first meeting, there was a welcome morning in which the members of the school explained how the week would be. It needs to be mentioned that before the start of each day there was an activity to start the day with a positive attitude. Students held each other's hands and formed a circle from which they had to get out without breaking the human chain. Apart from this, the students had a week to solve a problem based task which was related to the title of the project "No Problems, Just Solutions". At the end of the week, the studends had the show the tasks they had produced at the school and parents and teachers could see the final results. 
Students at the beginning of the day

Students from different countries working on the project

Apart from the mere academic tasks, there was time for some leisure and on the last day, students and teachers could enjoy a day in the capital (Copenhagen). We all had the chance of taking a boat and have a tour all a long the canals of the city. From the boat, we all could appreciate remarkable sights of the city such as The Little Mermaid, the famous port "Nyhavn" and many different important places and buildings of Copenhagen. The week ended with a fun evening at Tivoli where students and teachers had the chance of enjoying its different attractions. 

All in all, it must be said that the week was succesful since all the students had the feeling they had been lucky to live such a great experience. It is also important to highlight the fact that they realized they could coummunicate in English which, after all, is one of the main aims of this project. 
It is just the first page of this book called "No Problems, Just Solutions". We hope that, together, we are able to write a wonderful bestseller!! 

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