dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2016

Mobility in Vienna (Austria)

On the 2nd of October, seven of our students (Sebastià Sansaloni, Marta Gili and Maria Navarro from 4th of Eso and Paula del Campo, Marina Martí, Joan Mesquida and Mª Pilar del Valle from 3rd of Eso) together with two of our teachers (Joan Martí and Tòfol Massanet) left to Austria to be part of the 5th mobility of the Erasmus + project "No Problems, Just Solutions". This time it was the VES (Vienna European School), an international school, placed in the center of Vienna, which hosted the visit and welcomed the rest of schools.

As always,the students were hosted by Viennese families. Mornings were spent doing activities together, such as excursions, cultural visits or workshops. At the end of the week the result of the workshops and all the tasks which had been done by the students were shown in a presentations to which teachers and parents attended. From all the activities we need to remark a guided tour around the capital which was led by Austrian students. During the tour, some of the most relevant places and sights of the city were visited. Among them, we need to mention the Opera house, St Stephen's Cathedral or the Parlament. It also deserves to be mentioned the visit to the Schönbrunn Castle, the residence of the emperor Franz Joseph and empress Sisi. The teachers also had their cultural moment since they could have the experience of going to the opera to see "The magic flute" by W.A. Mozart. 

Apart from the cultural visits, we should make reference to the leisure moments the Austrian team offered the rest of the countries. These include a welcome party for the students in which music and traditional food played an important role. On the other side, the teachers could have a taste of Austrian culture with an Oktoberfest organized by the school itsellf. 

We just need to thank the Austrian team its warm reception and the organization of the week that made the most important thing possible again: the fact that our students have been able to enjoy a special week in which they could appreciate different ways of living and cultural realities. Hopefully some friendships have been born and this visit to Vienna does not stay as just a memory from the past.