divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2015


Usserød Skole (Hørsholm)

Last October, seven students from our school were part of the first mobility of the Erasmus + project "No Problems, Just Solutions". They were Miquel Ferrer, Maria Morey, Llucia Ginard, Maria Gili, Marina Serra, Sebastià Matamalas and Bàrbara Mascaró. In Denmark, they spent a week with a Danish family and they could live and experience what if feels like to be a student at Usserød Skole. Their host students were: 

Once there, the students took part in many activities organized by Usserød Skole. Since it was the first meeting, there was a welcome morning in which the members of the school explained how the week would be. It needs to be mentioned that before the start of each day there was an activity to start the day with a positive attitude. Students held each other's hands and formed a circle from which they had to get out without breaking the human chain. Apart from this, the students had a week to solve a problem based task which was related to the title of the project "No Problems, Just Solutions". At the end of the week, the studends had the show the tasks they had produced at the school and parents and teachers could see the final results. 
Students at the beginning of the day

Students from different countries working on the project

Apart from the mere academic tasks, there was time for some leisure and on the last day, students and teachers could enjoy a day in the capital (Copenhagen). We all had the chance of taking a boat and have a tour all a long the canals of the city. From the boat, we all could appreciate remarkable sights of the city such as The Little Mermaid, the famous port "Nyhavn" and many different important places and buildings of Copenhagen. The week ended with a fun evening at Tivoli where students and teachers had the chance of enjoying its different attractions. 

All in all, it must be said that the week was succesful since all the students had the feeling they had been lucky to live such a great experience. It is also important to highlight the fact that they realized they could coummunicate in English which, after all, is one of the main aims of this project. 
It is just the first page of this book called "No Problems, Just Solutions". We hope that, together, we are able to write a wonderful bestseller!! 

dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015


During our first mobility in Horsholm (Denmark) the logo of the project was chosen. The process of selection was easy since all the schools had to bring to Denmark a proposal of logo and once there there was an exhibition of all the logos. When all the logos were exposed the students had to grade the 7 logos according to their preferences. After that, all the points were added and there was a winner which, in this case, was the Italian team. The logo represents two hands trying to solve a rubik's cube decorated with all the flags of the participating countries. The logo fits perfectly the title of the project "No problems, just solutions". 

Congratulations to Italy and the rest of schools!

dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2015

Summary of Mobility to Denmark October 4th -10th 2015

Summary of Mobility to Denmark October 4th -10th 2015

  1. Introduction
As planned, the first mobility took place in Denmark. Due to different issues as not getting contract or grant; Portugal was not able to participate, but the rest of the schools were each represented by 2 teachers and 7 students.
  1. Arrival and accommodation
All guest schools came as planned and was met at the airport by the host families. Teachers went to their hotels.
  1. Logo contest
Before the mobility, we had a logo contest and each school contributed with their best bid on a logo for the project. There was a vote amongst the students and the winning logo was made by Italy and can be seen on top of this summary. The Logo will be used on all documents and other things related to the project. Congratulation Italy!
  1. Program for students
See attachment 1
The presentation on Thursday was held as an exhibition, where parents, teachers, fellow students could stroll around and see/listen to the products made by the groups during the week, discussing the problem chosen and the suggestions on solutions for the specific problem.
  1. Program for teachers
The teachers had almost the same program as the students working on Innovation, but from a teacher´s point of view. By working in an innovative way, the teachers got hand on the way to work with the students as they come home to their own schools. We worked with check in-check out, Jump Cards, Brain breaks, combining two things, face of, sorting, how to make everybody contribute to ideas and be a part of the group work using post it notes, Design to improve life compass etc.
The teachers had lots of ideas and finally narrowed it down to 2 subject to work on at home
a) How to say “no” in a “yes” way, meaning focus on positive improvement, ignoring negative behavior.
b) How to make social medias become our servants and not using us as slaves.
  1. Adjustment to mobility plan
Because of the issues with Portugal, we had to adjust the mobility plan, and agreed on:
Finland: 24th – 30th of January 2016
France: 13th-19th of March 2016
Spain: 29th of May- 4th of June 2016
Austria: 2nd -8th of October 2016
Portugal: 22nd- 29th of January 2017
Italy: Should decide on either 19th-25th of March 2017, 26th of February-4th of march 2017 or 23rd-29th of April 2017.

  1. Social come together on Thursday evening
Thursday evening we had a Potluck Party with students, teachers, parents, siblings etc. at school. After the dining, the students enjoyed themselves with dance and music and the adults socialized in the staff room with coffee etc.
  1. Cultural/ social trip to Copenhagen on Friday
Friday was dedicated to a trip to Copenhagen starting with sightseeing on the canals, getting a view of the city from the seaside with Nyhavn, Opera house, the little mermaid, Christianshavn etc.
After the canal trip, the students had a treasure hunt in Copenhagen, finding famous places. The teachers had free time and at 1. p.m. teachers had lunch at Fyrtøjet (the tinderbox) in Nyhavn with traditional Danish dishes.
Finally, all students and teachers went for a final evening at Tivoli (amusement park) that had Halloween evening with spooky things and rides. Teachers also had a final social dinner to round up on the mobility and say goodbye.
  1. Departing
Saturday the guest students were brought to the airport by their host families, and met with their teachers at the airport for the transport home again.

The mobility worked out, from a Danish point of view, mostly as planned. The goals set on introducing innovation and entrepreneurship in education and carry it out by working in international groups, using innovative tools worked fine and as described in the application. 
Although, as many never had tried it before, we choose to put it on a very basic level, focusing on product and own contribution to the solutions. The important thing was to show, another way to work at school and focusing on that the students should have a feeling of ownership to the work and result. Therefore as the students presented their work, the main question was: “What is your part in the solution?” having the students to understand that finding a solution on a problem also includes themselves and should have a value both for themselves and for others.
We as teachers also recognized that groups of 10 students were too big. We already knew that, but had to make this compromise as we meant it was important to mix the students so every group had students from all the schools. From earlier work in Denmark we have concluded that groups of three are the most effective and dynamic groups. Using an innovative profile/ interview and a modified Belbin test makes it even better to put the groups together as you can uncover hidden talents and strengths / weaknesses at the individual making the group flow better.

Evaluation from the Danish students: 
  • Forced to speak English made an improvement.
  • New friends
  • More knowledge
  • New knowledge of other nationalities
  • Small groups in Copenhagen
  • More cross country unity 
  • Good experience
  • To hear histories from other countries
Communication problems
Suggestions to improve:
More common activities and not divided into different rooms.

Bjørn C. Langmann
Coordinator Usserød skole, Hørsholm Denmark.

Complementary comments from:

Attachment 1

dilluns, 12 d’octubre del 2015


El Director del centre es traslladà a Madrid per assistir a unes jornades de formació sobre el Projecte Erasmus+. 
Els responsables del SEPIE explicaren com dur a terme i com gestionar el programa de la Unió Europea Erasmus+. Gràcies en aquest projecte, que té una durada de dos cursos escolars (2015/16 i 2016/17), el CC Sant Salvador (professors i alumnes d'ESO) participarà en activitats i intercanvis d'alumnes i professors amb sis centres més d'Europa.
El que més li va agradar d'anar a Madrid va ser que varen poder resoldre dubtes, compartir experiències amb la resta d'escoles Europees que participen en aquest projecte educatiu, com és Erasmus +.

dijous, 24 de setembre del 2015


The fourth mobility of the Project "No problems, just solutions" will take places ad CC SANT SALVADOR (SPAIN) from the 30th to the 4th of June 2016.


The sixth mobility of the Project "No problems, just solutions" will take places ad AGRUPAMENTO ESCOLAS DO BARRIERO (PORTUGAL) from the 22nd to the 29th of January 2017.


The seventh mobility of the Project "No problems, just solutions" will take places ad LICEO ATTILIO BERTOLUCCI (ITALY) from the 18th to the 25th of March 2017.


The third mobility of the Project "No problems, just solutions" will take places ad COLLÈGE FLORIMOND ROBERTET (FRANCES) from the 11th to the 19th of March 2016.


The second mobility of the Project "No problems, just solutions" will take places ad KIRKKOKADUN KOULU (FINLAND) from the 24th of January to the 30th of Jenuary 2016.


The first mobility of the Project "No problems, just solutions" will take places ad USSERØD SKOLE (DENMARK) from the 4th to the 10th of October 2015.


The fifth mobility of the Project "No problems, just solutions" will take places ad VIENNA  INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (AUSTRIA) from the 2nd to the 8th of October 2016.

dijous, 10 de setembre del 2015

Dimecres 09, Setembre 2015. 
Saló d’actes del CC Sant Salvador, Artà. 
Hora: 20’30. 

Amb la presència de pares i alumnes es va procedir al sorteig per determinar les destinacions dels alumnes admesos per formar part del projecte Erasmus + “No problems, just solutions”. 

Per poder realitzar el sorteig, es van aplicar els següents filtres: 

  • Alumnes que ja havien estat a un dels països participants, no podien repetir país. 
  • Els alumnes de 4t d’ESO només podien viatjar durant el curs 2015 - 2016. 

La resolució fou la següent: 

Dinamarca (03/10/2015 - 10/10/2015) 

Bàrbara Mascaró - 3r ESO 
Llucia Ginard - 4t ESO 
Miquel Ferrer - 4t ESO 
Maria Gili - 4t ESO 
Maria Morey - 4t ESO 
Marina Serra - 4t ESO 
Sebastià Matamalas - 4t ESO

Finlàndia (22/01/2016 - 30/01/2016) 

Kelly Morey - 2n ESO 
Manolo Pozo - 3r ESO 
Pere Joan Infante - 3r ESO 
Sebastià Gomila - 3r ESO 
Laura Gili - 4t ESO 
Laura Pozo - 4t ESO 
Antònia Massanet - 4t ESO 

França (11/03/2016 - 19/03/2016) 

Alba Viera - 2n ESO 
Antonina Carrió - 2n ESO 
Paula Nicolau - 2n ESO 
Montserrat Santandreu - 3r ESO 
Joan Cerrato - 4t ESO 
Joan Navarro - 4t ESO 
Mª Magdalena Nicolau - 4t ESO 

Austria (01/10/2016 - 08/10/2016)

Joan Mesquida - 2n ESO 
Mª Pilar del Valle - 2n ESO 
Marina Martí - 2n ESO 
Paula del Campo - 2n ESO 
Marta Gili - 3r ESO 
Maria Navarro - 3r ESO
Sebastià Sansaloni - 3r ESO 

Portugal (21/01/2017 - 28/01/2017)

Juan Marcelo DE GUILHEM PANTA - 2n ESO
Aleyna ESGIN - 2n ESO
Mateu Andreu SANSÓ LLULL - 3r ESO

Itàlia (22/04/2017 - 29/04/2017)

Aina Nicolau - 2n ESO 
Alejandro Paredes - 2n ESO 
Andrea Romo - 2n ESO 
Williams Paredes - 2n ESO 
Joan Toni Artigues - 3r ESO 
Margalida Flaquer - 3r ESO 
Serafí Nebot - 3r ESO 

divendres, 4 de setembre del 2015


  • L’intercanvi que vos presentam tendrà una durada de 2 cursos escolars 2014-2015 i 2015-2016.
  • Constarà de 6 visites a diferents països europeus més la visita dels altres països al nostre Poble.
  • Cada viatge tendrà una durada de 8 dies. Hi haurà sempre 2 professors acompanyants.
  • Els alumnes estaran a casa de les famílies de l’alumnat del Centre corresponent. Per aquest motiu, les famílies dels alumnes interessats en el projecte, hauran d’acceptar tenir una alumne estranger a casa durant una setmana.
  • Durant la setmana es realitzaran diferents activitats programades pel Centre que es visiti. Fora de l’horari escolar serà la família d’acollida la responsable de l’alumne visitant.
  • Els viatges són gratuïts i subvencionats per la Comissió Europea a través de la beca Eramus Plus.
  • Hi ha 42 places disponibles per viatjar (12 per curs). En cas d’haver-hi més alumnes que places, es tendrà en compte la nota final d’anglès del curs 2014-2015 i, si hi ha empat, es valorarà la mitjana del curs. Suposant que en un curs sobrin places, aquestes es repartiran entre els alumnes interessats de la resta de cursos.
  • El divendres 4/09 els alumnes interessats hauran d’enviar un e-mail a l’adreça dels professor responsable (tofolenglish@santsalvador.net). S’acceparan correus fins a les 23:50 h del mateix dia. A l’e-mail s’hauran d’explicar resumidament les raons per les quals es vol realitzar l’intercanvi.
  • El dilluns 7/09 s’exposarà al Centre la llista dels alumnes acceptats per l’intercanvi després d’haver tingut en compte la baremació prèviament explicada.
  • El dimarts 8/09 es realitzarà un sorteig per conèixer la destinació dels alumnes seleccionats. El sorteig tendrà com a condició que els alumnes de 4t ESO viatgin durant aquest curs escolar 2015-2016. El sorteig es realitzarà en presència dels alumnes seleccionats acompanyats dels seus pares.
  • El resultat del sorteig no es podrà modificar ni serà possible l’intercanvi de destinacions entre alumnes.


02/10/2015 al 10/10/2105
29/01/2016 al 06/02/2016
11/03/2016 al 19/03/2016
27/05/2016 al 04/06/2016
01/10/2016 al 08/10/2016
21/01/2017 al 28/01/2017
22/04/2017 al 29/04/2017

*** Resta per confirmar un possible canvi de dates, ja que al nostre Centre li interessa rebre alumnes durant aquest curs perquè els alumnes de 4t d’ESO puguin tenir opció a paticipar de l’intercanvi. A finals de setembre se sabrà si es canvia el lloc amb Itàlia o França.

dimarts, 1 de setembre del 2015

ERASMUS + 2015 - 2017

Welcome to the blog of our Erasmus + project "No Problems, Just Solutions". For two years, we'll be working with 6 other European schools from Denmark, Finland, France, Austria, Portugal and Italy. Our students will use this blog to explain their experiences as well as the different activities that we carry on and plan related to the project.

We will keep you updated!